Sunday, January 31, 2021
February Fitness 2021 Challenge
February 2021 Bible Reading
February 2021 Bible Reading
Genesis 22:1-19 Abraham Tested
Genesis 22:1-19 Abraham Tested
Read Genesis 22:1-19 hereGod ask Abraham to take his son and sacrifice him on a mountain. Abraham took 2 of his servants and his son. Abraham, his servants, and Isaac traveled for 3 days and then Abraham saw where God told him to go. He left his servant and traveled alone with his son. Isaac carried the wood and Abraham carried the fire and a knife. Isaac was smart and asked his father where the sacrifice was. Abraham told him that God would provide the sacrifice. When they got to the location God had told him, Abraham took Isaac and bound him and put him on an altar that he had built. Just as he reach out the knife the voice of the Lord called out and stopped him. God knew Abraham feared him because he did not with hold his one and only son. God than provided a ram for him to sacrifice.
Abraham named this place God will provide. The angel of the promised that because of his faithfulness he would make him great. His descendant were to be as the star in the sky or the sand on the shore.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Genesis 21:22-34 The Treaty at Beersheba
Genesis 21:22-34 The Treaty at Beersheba
Abimelech came to Abraham and acknowledged that God was with Abraham and all that he does. Abraham gave him sheep and cattle and they made a treaty. The place was named Beersheba. Abimelech went back to the Philistines. Abraham planted a tree and he called upon the Lord. Abraham stayed in philistine for a long time.
Additional Reading
Genesis 20:22, Genesis 26:26,
Friday, January 29, 2021
Genesis 21:8-21 Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away
Genesis 21:8-21 Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away
Abraham gave a great feast in honor of his new son Isaac. On this day Sarah told him to get rid of Hagar and her son Ishmael. So Abraham sent them away. When Hagar ran out of water, she put her son under a tree to die. God hear his cry and reassure Hagar that He would make Ishmael into a great nation.
Ishmael became an archer and his mother got him a wife from Egypt.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Genesis 21:1-7 The Birth of Isaac
Genesis 21:1-7 The Birth of Isaac
God gave Sarah a son by Abraham. Abraham named him Isaac. Isaac was circumcised on his 7th day as God told him to do. Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born. Sarah was very happy to finally have her son. Love these verse:
Genesis 21:6-7
Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” And she added, “Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age.”
Genesis 20:1-18 Abraham and Abimelech
Genesis 20:1-18 Abraham and Abimelech
Yes, you read this right they did it again. And once again God protected Sarah. One difference is their names, otherwise the story is the same. God changed both Abraham and Sarah name as part of the promise to Abraham and Sarah. God was to bless Sarah with a son and she was to be the mother of nations. She was to be of the line of Jesus.
Notice Abraham put a twist on his truth to justify his covering up the fact Sarah was his wife, but God did not allow him to get away with it. He brought it to the surface and Abraham had to met it head on. And Sarah? God protected her again. I wish we knew what Abraham said in his prayer. What we do know is that God healed Abimelech's household. Sarah submitted to her husband and God was there to protect her.
Monday, January 25, 2021
Genesis 19:30-38 Lot and his daughters
Genesis 19:30-38 Lot and his daughters
Lot was afraid so he moved to the mountain. While they were there Lots two daughters got him drunk. Two days they did this and both got pregnant by their father. The older daughter’s son was Moab and he is the father of the Moabites. The younger daughter's son was Benammi and he was the father of the Ammonites.
More information on Ammonites and Moabites here
Genesis 19:1-29 Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed
Genesis 19:1-29 Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed
Lot was at the gateway when the 2 angels arrived. He invited the angel to his house to wash his feet and spend the night. They insisted on staying the night in the square. Lot would not take no for an answer so they did go with him. They all ate dinner. After dinner all the men of the city surrounded the house. The men wanted Lot to send the men out to have their way with them. Lot did not want to send them out so he offered his daughter instead. Once back inside the angels made all the men go blind. The angels told him to get all that is his and get out of town.
Lot tried to get the men that were to marry his daughter but they did not believe him. Lot left town with his wife and two daughters. God showed mercy on Lot and his family. They were told to flee and don’t look back. Lot did not want to flee to the mountains so the angels allowed him to flee to a nearby town.
Once he had gotten to the town the Lord sent burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah. When Lot and his wife were fleeing Lots wife looked back and became a pillar of salt.
The next morning Abraham saw what was done to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Genesis 18:16-33 Abraham Pleads for Sodom
Genesis 18:16-33 Abraham Pleads for Sodom
Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. For I have chosen him , so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”
The visitors went on towards Sodom. The Lord stayed with Abraham. Abraham asked if he would kill the righteous along with the wicked.
The Lord and Abraham went back and forth.
If there are 50 will you save it….Abraham
I will spare it for 50 …….Lord
If there are 45 will you save it….Abraham
I will spare it for 45 …….Lord
If there are 40 will you save it….Abraham
I will spare it for 40 …….Lord
If there are 30 will you save it….Abraham
I will spare it for 30 …….Lord
If there are 20 will you save it….Abraham
I will spare it for 20 …….Lord
If there are 10 will you save it….Abraham
I will spare it for 10 …….Lord
After they spoke the Lord left and Abraham went home.
Friday, January 22, 2021
Genesis 18:1-15 The Three Visitors
Genesis 18:1-15 The Three Visitors
Abraham asked the three visitors to stop and wash their feet, eat and rest awhile. Abraham and Sarah prepared a feast for the three visitors. Abraham stood near them under a tree while they ate.
The visitors asked where Sarah was. Abraham told him she was in the tent. The visitor told him that this time next year you will have a son. Sarah was inside the tent listening. I laugh every time I read the following verse:
Genesis 18:12
So Sarah laughed to herself, saying, “After I am worn out, and my lord is old, shall I have pleasure?”
Can’t you just imagine Sarah eavesdropping on the group and then laughing. The Lord asked Abraham why Sarah laughed. The next verse is a good one to keep in mind.
Genesis 18:14
Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son.”
Sarah was afraid so she lied and said she did not lie, he knew she lied.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Genesis 17:1-27 The Covenant of Circumcision
Genesis 17:1-27 The Covenant of Circumcision
Abrah was 99 in this chapter. The Lord again promised him he would have many children. This is when Abram became Abraham, because he was going to make him the father of many nations. The covenant between God and Abraham was an everlasting covenant.
Part of the covenant is that every male should be circumcised. Everyone male was to be circumcised whether they’re blood or not. It was to be done on the 8th day. If the person is not circumcised he should be cast out for he has broken the covenant.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Genesis 16:1-16 Hagar and Ishmael
Genesis 16:1-16 Hagar and Ishmael
Sarai was Abram's wife. She had no children but she did have a maid servant named Hagar. Sarai knew that God was the one that was in charge of if she would have children or not. Where she went wrong was trying to take things in her own hands and tell him to have a child with her servant.
Hagar ended up conceiving and Sarai became upset with both Abram and also Hagar. Hagar ended up running away. As we know no one can run from God. The angel of the Lord came to Hagar and told her to go back and submit to Sarai.
The angel of the Lord told Hagar she would have many children. He also told her to name her son Ishmael.
Abram was 86 when Ishmael was born.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Genesis 15:1-21 God's Covenant with Abram
Genesis 15:1-21 God's Covenant with Abram
God once again told Abram he would be greatly rewarded. Abram is childless. God showed him the stars and told him this is how many offsprings he would have. Abram believed God.
Abram questioned God how this was possible. Many time people think questioning God is bad but really it is not. You do need to remember that God will answer us the way he see fit. For Abram it was in a bad dream. God told him of how his heirs would be in captivity for 400 years and then they would come out with great possessions. This describes the Israelites captivity in Egypt. God promised Abram a long life.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Genesis 14:1-24 Abram Rescues Lot
Genesis 14:1-24 Abram Rescues Lot
I know I have read this passage before but I didn't remember the Abram had to rescue Lot more than once.
There was a great battle and Lot was taking in the battle because he was living in Sodom. There was a person that escaped when Sodom was taken captive. He came to Abrah and told him that Lot was taken captive along with his family and all his possessions. Abram and his 318 trained men left towards Dan. They fought and defeated the Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with them. Abrah got back Lot and all his people including all his possessions. After he returned the King from Sodom and also the King from Salem went out and met Abram. Melchizedek who was the king of Salem and priest of God Most High blessed Abrah and praised God.
The king of Sodom tried to give him possessions but Abram refused to take them because he did not want them to say that he was the one who made him rich instead of God.
Additional Reading
Genesis 13:1-18 Abram and Lot Separate
Genesis 13:1-18 Abram and Lot Separate
Read Genesis 13:1-18 HereAbram and his family went from Egypt to the Negev to Bethel and placed his tent half between Bethel and AI. This is where he was in chapter 12 when he built the ark.
Abram and Lot had too many possessions. They need to split up. Abram gave Lot the choice of the land. Lot choose the best land. It was closer to Sodom. The people of Sodom were very wicked.
God blessed Abram and told him his offspring would be like the dust.
Additional Reading
Proverbs 10:22, Exodus 3:8, Gal 12:7,
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Genesis 12:10-20 Abram in Egypt
Genesis 12:10-20 Abram in Egypt
Read Genesis 12:10-20 HereIn this passage Abram (husband) is the one that asks Sarai (wife) to sin. His reasoning was that she was beautiful and he did want them to kill him. He was not trusting and thinking about himself.
Looking forward I know this is not the only time this half lie is used. In life we tend to continue in the same convenient sin. Over and over we do the same thing. It becomes a habit, a way of life. We need to step out of our sin and into the light of Jesus. He is the only one that can help us break free from our sins.
I find it interesting that God protected Sarai even though Abram was thinking of himself and his life. When we as women do as we have been told to do by God he is there to protect us. God loves us and wants His best for us. When we take things in our own hands we tend to mess things up. We can't see the whole picture and how He will protect us but God does see all things.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Genesis 12:1-9 The call of Abram
Genesis 12:1-9 The call of Abram
Read Genesis 12:1-9 Here
God told Abrab to leave his home and go where He would show him. God told him he would be great and that God would bless him. Abrah obeyed and left and Lot his nephew came with him. Abrah was 75 at this time.
When he arrived God appeared to Abram and showed him the land he would give him. Abram built an altar to the Lord.
This is Abram travels:
Abram left Haran >>>> Shechem >>>>>>Bethel>>>>>>Negev
Additional Reading
Jos 24:3, Acts 7:1-9, Heb 11:8-10
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Genesis 11:10-32 From Shem to Abram
Genesis 11:10-32 From Shem to Abram
Read Genesis 11:10-32 Here
Shem at 100 had
Shem Lived 500 years
Arphaxad at 35 had
Arphaxad Lived 403 years
Shelah at 30 had
Shelah Lived 403 years
Eber at 34 had
Eber Lived 430 years
Peleg at 30 had
Peleg Lived 209 years
Reu at 32 had
Reu Lived 207 years
Serug at 3o had
Serug Lived 200 years
Nahor at 29 had
Serug Lived 119 years
Terah at 70 had
Abram, Nahor and Haran
Haran son was Lot
Abram married Sarai
Nahor married Milcah
Terah lived 205 years
Genesis 11:1-9 The Tower of Babel
Genesis 11:1-9 The Tower of Babel
Read Genesis 11:1-9 Here
At this time there was one language for everyone. The people decided to build a city that had a tower that reached the heavens. God saw what they were doing, he confused their language and scattered them all over the Earth. This caused them to stop building. This is why the called it the Tower of Babel.
Additional reading
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Genesis 10:21-32 The Semites (Sons of Shem)
Genesis 10:21-32 The Semites (Sons of Shem)
Monday, January 11, 2021
Genesis 10:6-20 The Hamites (Sons of Ham)
Genesis 10:6-20 The Hamites (Sons of Ham)
Sons of Ham
Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan
Sons of Cush
Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, Sabteca, Nimrod
Sons of Raamah
Sheba and Dedan.