Sunday, January 3, 2021

Genesis 6:1-8:22 - The Flood

 Genesis 6:1-8:22 - The Flood

Genesis 6 - 8:22 - The Flood

Mankind has become evil, every thought was evil (6:5)

God was grieved that he created man and the animals on the earth 

I love how it says “Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord”. 

God told Noah to make an ark:

  • Cypress wood

  • Rooms

  • Coat it with pitch inside and out

  • 450 feet long

  • 75 feet wide

  • 45 feet high

  • Roof - finish it 18 inches of the top

  • A door in the side of the ark

  • Lower, middle and upper decks

God told Noah of his plan to destroy the earth.  He and his family would be the only ones saved.  He was to establish a covenant with Noah. He is to bring in 2 of all animals, male and female.  Also God told him to bring in food for his family and for all of the animals.  Noah was to bring in 7 of the clean animals (male and female) and 2 of the unclean animals (male and female). Noah had 7 days to get the animals, food and his family in the ark before the rain started.  Noah was 600 years old when it began to rain.   I love the end of Genesis 6:16 “Then the Lord shut him in”  God cared so much that he was the one to shut Noah, his family and animals into the ark.  

It rained for 40 days and nights.  Everything was covered with the water, even the large mountains to a depth of more than 20 feet.  Everything on the earth was destroyed except for those who were in the ark.  The flooding was for 150 days. 

God sent a wind that would dry the ground. The ark rested on mountains of Ararat.  After 40 more days Noah opened the windows of the ark.  He sent out a raven.  Next he sent out a dove, but the dove came back because there was no place to land.  After 7 days he sent out the dove again this time it came back with an olive leaf.  He waited 7 more days and sent the dove out again.  This time the dove did not return, so he knew the water was much less.  Noah was 601 when he came out of the ark.  

After everything was out of the ark Noah built an altar.  He took some of the clean animals and sacrificed them to God. The Lord was pleased with the aroma of the offering and promised to never flood the earth again. 

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