Sunday, January 31, 2021

Genesis 22:1-19 Abraham Tested

 Genesis 22:1-19 Abraham Tested

Read Genesis 22:1-19 here

God ask Abraham to take his son and sacrifice him on a mountain. Abraham took 2 of his servants and his son. Abraham, his servants, and Isaac traveled for 3 days and then Abraham saw where God told him to go. He left his servant and traveled alone with his son.  Isaac carried the wood and Abraham carried the fire and a knife. Isaac was smart and asked his father where the sacrifice was. Abraham told him that God would provide the sacrifice. When they got to the location God had told him, Abraham took Isaac and bound him and put him on an altar that he had built. Just as he reach out the knife the voice of the Lord called out and stopped him. God knew Abraham feared him because he did not with hold his one and only son.  God than provided a ram for him to sacrifice. 

Abraham named this place God will provide. The angel of the promised that because of his faithfulness he would make him great. His descendant were to be as the star in the sky or the sand on the shore. 

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