Thursday, January 7, 2021

Genesis 9:18-29 - The Sons of Noah

 Genesis 9:18-29 - The Sons of Noah

Noah had 3 sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.  They were in the ark with Noah and left the ark with Noah.  

The Bible tells us that Ham was the father of Canaan.  One night when Noah had drank too much wine he fell asleep without his clothes.  Ham came in and did not but go and tell his brothers.  Shem and Japheth took action and took a garment and laid it across their shoulders.  They walked into the room backwards and covered their father.  They did this so they would not see his nakedness.  

When Noah woke up and found out what his youngest brother had done he praised them and cursed their brother.  He asked the Lord to bless Shem and extend the territory of Japheth.  And  Ham the father of the Canaanites was to be the slaves to his other brothers.  

The Lord truly did bless Shem as he was part of the line of Joseph. (Luke 3:36)

After the flood Noah lived for 350 more years, he died at 950 years of age.

Additional Reading

Gen 5:32, Luke 3:36

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