Thursday, January 28, 2021

Genesis 20:1-18 Abraham and Abimelech

 Genesis 20:1-18 Abraham and Abimelech   

Read Genesis 20:1-18 here

Yes, you read this right they did it again. And once again God protected Sarah. One difference is their names, otherwise the story is the same. God changed both Abraham and Sarah name as part of the promise to Abraham and Sarah. God was to bless Sarah with a son and she was to be the mother of nations. She was to be of the line of Jesus. 

Notice Abraham put a twist on his truth to justify his covering up the fact Sarah was his wife, but God did not allow him to get away with it.  He brought it to the surface and Abraham had to met it head on.  And Sarah?  God protected her again.  I wish we knew what Abraham said in his prayer.  What we do know is that God healed Abimelech's household. Sarah submitted to her husband and God was there to protect her. 

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