Sunday, January 17, 2021

Genesis 14:1-24 Abram Rescues Lot

 Genesis 14:1-24 Abram Rescues Lot

I know I have read this passage before but I didn't remember the Abram had to rescue Lot more than once.

There was a great battle and Lot was taking in the battle because he was living in Sodom.  There was a person that escaped when Sodom was taken captive.  He came to Abrah and told him that Lot was taken captive along with his family and all his possessions.  Abram and his 318 trained men left towards Dan. They fought and defeated the Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with them.  Abrah got back Lot and all his people including all his possessions.  After he returned the King from Sodom and also the King from Salem went out and met Abram.  Melchizedek who was the king of Salem and priest of God Most High blessed Abrah and praised God.  

The king of Sodom tried to give him possessions but Abram refused to take them because he did not want them to say that he was the one who made him rich instead of God. 

Additional Reading

Psa 110:4, Hebrews 5:5-7

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