Thursday, January 14, 2021

Genesis 12:1-9 The call of Abram

 Genesis 12:1-9 The call of Abram

Read Genesis 12:1-9 Here

God told Abrab to leave his home and go where He would show him.  God told him he would be great and that God would bless him. Abrah obeyed and left and Lot his nephew came with him.  Abrah was 75 at this time.  

When he arrived God appeared to Abram and showed him the land he would give him.  Abram built an altar to the Lord.  

This is Abram travels:

Abram left Haran >>>> Shechem >>>>>>Bethel>>>>>>Negev

Additional Reading

Jos 24:3, Acts 7:1-9, Heb 11:8-10

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