Saturday, January 16, 2021

Genesis 12:10-20 Abram in Egypt

 Genesis 12:10-20 Abram in Egypt

Read Genesis 12:10-20 Here

In this passage Abram (husband) is the one that asks Sarai (wife) to sin.  His reasoning was that she was beautiful and he did want them to kill him. He was not trusting and thinking about himself. 

Looking forward I know this is not the only time this half lie is used. In life we tend to continue in the same convenient sin. Over and over we do the same thing. It becomes a habit, a way of life. We need to step out of our sin and into the light of Jesus. He is the only one that can help us break free from our sins.

I find it interesting that God protected Sarai even though Abram was thinking of himself and his life. When we as women do as we have been told to do by God he is there to protect us. God loves us and wants His best for us. When we take things in our own hands we tend to mess things up. We can't see the whole picture and how He will protect us but God does see all things.

Additional Reading

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