Monday, January 4, 2021

Genesis 9:1-17 - God's Covenant with Noah

 Genesis 9:1-17 - God's Covenant with Noah

Noah was to populate the world.  All animals are good for food along with green plants.  God required a life for a life.  Never again was God to destroy the earth with a worldwide flood.  God gave them a rainbow to represent his promise to never bring a worldwide flood again.  

I have always loved rainbows, not really sure when my love for them started.  I do remember in a dark time in my life I started associating rain with the presents of God.  Every time it rains I still feel very close to God as if he is right there with me.  I know go is always present but there is just something very special about rain and God presents.  When I see a rainbow I always smile and remember God's promise to Noah. 

Additional Reading

Gen 1:22, Gen 1:26, Gen 1:29, Gen 8:2, Gen 8:16, 2 Peter 2:5, Gen 6:18, Gen 6:19, 

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