Sunday, January 17, 2021

Genesis 13:1-18 Abram and Lot Separate

 Genesis 13:1-18 Abram and Lot Separate  

Read Genesis 13:1-18 Here

Abram and his family went from Egypt to the Negev to Bethel and placed his tent half between Bethel and AI. This is where he was in chapter 12 when he built the ark. 

Abram and Lot had too many possessions. They need to split up. Abram gave Lot the choice of the land. Lot choose the best land. It was closer to Sodom. The people of Sodom were very wicked. 

God blessed Abram and told him his offspring would be like the dust.

Additional Reading

Proverbs 10:22, Exodus 3:8, Gal 12:7,

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