Sunday, February 7, 2021

Genesis 25:19-34 Jacob and Esau

 Genesis 25:19-34 Jacob and Esau   

Isaac was 40 when he married. 

Isaac prayed for his wife because she had no children. God answered the prayer with twins. Got to love God's sense of humor. The babies feud started in Rebekah’s womb. This was sibling rivalry at its finest. When she asked of the Lord way was this happening this was his answer:

Genesis 25:23

The LORD said to her,

“Two nations are in your womb,

and two peoples from within you will be separated;

one people will be stronger than the other,

and the older will serve the younger. ”

There were 2 boys born to Isaac and Rebekah. Esau the first born was red and very hairy. Jacob hand held his brother's heel. Just image what a crazy birth that would be. If you have had baby you know that for one baby to have hold of the other this would make born difficult and for them o come out that close would make I so there was no time in between births. 

Isaac was 60 when he twins were born. 

Esau became a skillful hunter. Jacob was a homebody. Isaac loved Esau and Rebekah loved Jacob. 

I so can see this next part playing out in my house. Jacob was in the house cooking stew. Esau came home very hungry. Esau asked for food for he was about to die of hunger. Jacob made him swear an oath to give him his birth right before could eat. After this Jacob gave him food. Can’t you just see you kids fighting over such things. Big difference was the birthright should have been a big deal to Esau but it was not

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