Thursday, February 18, 2021

Genesis 33:1-20 Jacob Meets Esau

 Genesis 33:1-20 Jacob Meets Esau

Read Genesis 33:1-20 Here

Jacob saw Esau in the distance and was afraid. He divided his children among his 2 wives and the 2 maidservants. First he sent the maidservants and their children than his wife’s and their children next.  He went ahead and bowed to his brother 7 times as he approached him. 

This was Esau reaction:

Genesis 33:4

But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept.

I love this image of the two brothers. 

Esau wanted to know who the people were that he had with him. He said they were the children God gave him. After all of the wives, maidservants and children had bowed down before Esau. He asked about the groups of animals. Jacob said it was to find favor with him. Esau told him he had all he needed and to keep them. He insisted that he keep them. 

Esau headed back home and Jacob made a shelter for himself and all that was with him. He built an altar and named it El Elohe Israel. 

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