Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Genesis 49:1-50:14 Jacob Blesses his Sons

 Genesis 49:1-50:14 Jacob Blesses his Sons

Next Jacob asked for his sons to come around so he could tell them what was to come.

Reuben will no longer excel because he defiled Jacob's bed.

Simeon and Levi anger will be their curse. They will be scattered throughout Israel.  

Judah his brothers will praise and bow down to you.  

Zebulun will live by the seashore and become a haven for ships.  

Issachar will enjoy his resting place and submit to forced labor. 

Dan provided justice to all of Israel.  

Gad will attacked but will win

Asher will be a fine cook

Naphtali will have many beautiful children 

Joseph is blessed more than all others

Benjamin is warrior

Jacob asked for them to take him to his father's land to bury him.  After this Jacob died.  

Joseph had his father embalmed, it took 40 days to do this.  Than Joseph requested to go bury his father as he promised.  Pharaoh told him to go and bury his father as he promised.  All of the officials of Pharaoh come with Joseph to bury his father.  Joseph observed a 7 mourning period for his father.  Then Joseph and his brother buried his father where Jacob told him to.  And then they all returned to Egypt.

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