Saturday, March 6, 2021

Genesis 47:13-31 Joseph and the Famine

 Genesis 47:13-31 Joseph and the Famine

The famine was so great that Joseph collected all the money for all the people in Egypt and Canaan.  The people of Egypt came to Joseph and said give us food or we will die because you have all our money.  Joseph told them he would give them food for their livestock.  They did this for a year.  Then Joseph bought their land for exchange for food.  The only land that Joseph didn’t buy was the land the Priest had because they were already getting an allotment of food.  

Joseph gave the people seed to plant.  When the crops came in the people were to give a fifth of the crops to Pharaoh and the rest was for them to keep as seeds and food for them.  

Joseph's family lived and prospered in Goshen.  Jacob lived in Egypt for 17 years and lived to be 147 years old.  Before he died he told Joseph to come in promise that he would not bury him in Egypt.  He wanted to be buried where his people were buried.  

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