Friday, March 12, 2021

Exodus 1:1-22 The Israelites Opressed

 Exodus 1:1-22 The Israelites Opressed

11 of Jacob's sons and all of their wives and children went to Egypt to join Joseph, in total there were 70 people.  Joseph, brothers and all their generation died.  The generation after Joseph multiplied and became many in number so much they filled the land of Egypt.  

There was a new king that did not know Joseph and all that he had done. The king feared that because of the great number of Israelites that they might join with their enemy, defeat them  and leave Egypt.  So they made them slave to build their cities.  And once again I believe God has a good sense of humor and instead the Israelites grew in number.  This made the Egyptians work the Israelites even more.  They did all of the Egyptians hard labor, building and working in the fields.

The midwives Shiphrah and Puah were instructed to kill all baby boys of the Isrealites.  The midwives fear God and they did not kill the baby boys. When the midwife ask why they were not doing what they were told they said that the Isrealites had the babies before they got there.  God blessed the moves with families of their own.  

Pharaoh then told all the people that they should through all the baby boys into the Nile but let the girls live.  

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