Sunday, March 14, 2021

Exodus 2:11-25 Moses Flees to Midian

 Exodus 2:11-25 Moses Flees to Midian

Once when Moses was grown he was out walking.  He saw and Egyptian beating one of his people. Moses looked around to see who was looking.  When he knew there was no one looking he killed the Egyptian.  

When he went out the next day he saw two of his people fighting.  He asked why they were fighting.  The one that was in the wrong asked if Moses was going to kill him like he did the Egyptian.  Moses was afraid that someone had seen what he had done.  Pharaoh tried to kill Moses but Moses ran away to Midian.  

While in Midian help the 7 daughters of the priest of Midian. Shepards had tried to make them leave when they were at the well but Moses helped them by watering there their flock.  When the daughters returned home their father asked why they were home so early.  The daughter explains that an Egyptian had helped them.  Their father told them to invite them to have something to eat.  Moses agreed to stay with them and he was given Zipporah to marry.  They had a son named Gershom.

The king of Egypt died and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  God looked at his people and was concerned for them.  

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