Monday, May 3, 2021

May Fitness 2021 Challenge

May Fitness 2021 Challenge

    The last two months, March and April, I have been breaking the month down into weeks.  This has helped a lot because it is in smaller chunks.  Smaller goals roll into bigger goals.  I started this month in Colorado and had a good time.  While I was there I got together with 2 of my high school friends and we have become accountability partners.  I highly recommend you get some accountability partners.   

    Once again this month I will break the month into weeks:

           Week 1: May 1-8

           Week 2: May 9-15

           Week 3: May 16-22

           Week 4: May 23-31

 Week 1: May 1-8

Gym 1


15 mins Bike

Back extension 90 60

Calf extension 90 60

Hip abduction 50 60

Hip adduction 50 60

Gym 2


Treadmill 15 min

Back extension 95 60

Chest Press 20 30

Pulldown 45 60 

Triceps press 35 60


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