Friday, May 7, 2021

Exodus 26:31-37 The Veil and Screen

 Exodus 26:31-37 The Veil and Screen

The veil was to be made of blue, purple and scarlet material along with fine twisted linen.  They were also to make cherubim.  The veil was to be hung on 4 acacia overlaid by gold.  The hooks were to also be gold and placed in 4 sockets of silver.  The ark of testimony was to be put behind the veil.  This veil would separate the holy from the holy of holies.  The mercy seat should be put on the ark of the testimony and place in the holy of holies.  The table and the lampstand should be on the outside of the veil.  

There should also be a screen made of blue, purple and scarlet material along with fine twisted linen.  There should be 5 pillars of acacia overlaid with gold for the screen.  The hooks are also of gold.  The sockets are to be of bronze.

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