Saturday, May 8, 2021

Exodus 27:1-8 The Bronze Altar

 Exodus 27:1-8 The Bronze Altar

The altar should be made of acacia wood.  It should be 5 cubits long x five cubits wide x 3 cubits height.  They were to make 4 horns for each corner and overlay it with bronze.  Each of the follow items where to be made of bronze:

  • Pails for the ashes

  • Shovels

  • Basins 

  • Forks

  • Fireman’s

  • All its utensils

  • Net - under the altar, it should reach halfway up the altar

  • Four rings

They were to make 4 acacia poles that are overlaid with bronze.  The poles are to be inserted into the bronze rings 

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