Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Exodus 26:7-14 Curtains of Goats’ Hair

 Exodus 26:7-14 Curtains of Goats’ Hair

The outer tent of the tabernacle is made of goats’ hair.  There were eleven curtains that made the outer tent.  The length of the curtains are to be 30 cubits, the width of each curtain is to be 4 cubits.  5 are to be joined by themselves and the other 6 themselves.  The 6 are to be doubled over the front of the tent.  There are to be 50 loops on the outermost edges of the two sets of curtains.  There will be 50 bronze clasps that join all of the loops together into one unit.  

Exodus 26:12-14

As for the additional length of the tent curtains, the half curtain that is left over is to hang down at the rear of the tabernacle. The tent curtains will be a cubit longer on both sides; what is left will hang over the sides of the tabernacle so as to cover it. Make for the tent a covering of ram skins dyed red, and over that a covering of hides of sea cows.

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