Thursday, April 22, 2021

Exodus 22:16-31 Moral and Ceremonial Principles

 Exodus 22:16-31 Moral and Ceremonial Principles

This section is about moral and ceremonial principles.  

  • If a man sleeps with a virgin than he must pay the bride price and if her father refuses to give her to him than he must pay the bride-price of virgins

  • All sorceress should be put to death

  • Any on the lies with an animal should be put to death

  • If you sacrifice to any god other god you should be put to death

  • You should not mistreat or oppress a stranger, because you were strangers in Egypt 

  • You should not afflict any widow or fatherless child.  If you do, God's wrath will be upon you and you will be killed by the sword.  And your wives will be widows and your children fatherless.  

  • If you lend money to the poor you cannot charge interest or take anything as collateral

  • You should not criticize God nor curse your ruler.

  • You should give all of your first fruits to good.  

  • You should stay hold and not eat torn meat by men

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