Genesis 3: The Fall of Man
Genesis 3:1-6
The serpent was smart he know what to say to tempt Eve. He used a little truth and added more. We need to know the words of God to stand up to Satan and his lies. Even as I start uploading this devotional I realize that Satan know what to use against me. He uses my fears to make me doubt what I am doing. I have wanted to write a devotional for a long time. I have even started several but the fear of doubt has stopped me for actually doing any thing with them. This one I start this one in Oct 2018 and keep pushing off the launch date. I need to be secure in Christ and his word and move pass my fears and trust in him to help me through my fears.
Genesis 3:7-11
I find it interesting that they realize they were naked. It was just Adam and Eve so why did it matter. Did they think the animals cared? Or maybe God cared? Why was it so important for them to be clothed. It wasn't until they sinned and their eyes were open that they felt shame about their nakedness.
And why did God ask where they were? He is God he knew. If you search scripture God asks these type of questions. He know the answers he just wants to hear it from us.
Genesis 3:12-13
I have to stop and control my laughter every time I read these two verses. Working with teenagers I see this scenario all the time. The his/she made me do it reasoning.
Adam = it was the women you gave me
Eve = the serpent made me do it.
And there was no reason to ask the serpent we all know why he did it.
This has been going on sense the beginning of time.
Genesis 3:14-19
Oh the things that happen when we sin. I find in interesting that God gives judgement in the opposite order that they blamed one another. To the woman he increase her pain in childbirth, but also he gives us the ability to forget the pain. My first child was not your ideal pregnancy. She was premature and I had her by C-section. By God's grace and love our lives were both saved. Three years later I was ready to try for another child and 4 1/2 years after my daughter, my son was born as a V-back baby. He was only 9 days early. Another consequence of Eve sin was her husband was to rule over her. There is comfort in submitting to our husbands. For one it means we have a husband, if you doubt this ask a single girlfriend or the one that longs to be engaged to their boyfriend. I am not saying everyone has to be married, I am just saying it is a blessing to be married. God has a plan for all women single or married we are all loved in his sight. Also there is comfort in submitting to a husband because they provide us with protection, kind of like an umbrella. Keep a pin in this second one because we will show examples of it in days ahead.
Genesis 3:14-19
Oh the things that happen when we sin. I find in interesting that God gives judgement in the opposite order that they blamed one another. To the woman he increase her pain in childbirth, but also he gives us the ability to forget the pain. My first child was not your ideal pregnancy. She was premature and I had her by C-section. By God's grace and love our lives were both saved. Three years later I was ready to try for another child and 4 1/2 years after my daughter, my son was born as a V-back baby. He was only 9 days early. Another consequence of Eve sin was her husband was to rule over her. There is comfort in submitting to our husbands. For one it means we have a husband, if you doubt this ask a single girlfriend or the one that longs to be engaged to their boyfriend. I am not saying everyone has to be married, I am just saying it is a blessing to be married. God has a plan for all women single or married we are all loved in his sight. Also there is comfort in submitting to a husband because they provide us with protection, kind of like an umbrella. Keep a pin in this second one because we will show examples of it in days ahead.
Genesis 3:20-24
Just named all the animals and he also named Eve. She would become the mother of all.
I love the next part, the depiction of God making clothing from animals for Adam and Eve is beautiful. This would be the first animals sacrificed for mans sins. And then they are separated for God and his perfect garden that was made for them.
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