Saturday, June 5, 2021

Exodus 37:1-9 The Ark

 Exodus 37:1-9 The Ark

Bezalel made the ark as God instructed Moses. The build the acacia wood ark, 2 ½ cubits long, 1 1/2cubits wide, 1 ½ cubits high. It is to be overlaid with gold inside and out.  They should make a gold molding around us.  

He made poles that were to carry the ark with.

They were to make a mercy seat of pure gold, 2 ½ cubits long and 1 ½ cubits wide.  Make 2 cherubim of gold. The cherubim were to be put at each end of the mercy seat.  The wings should be spread upward and cover the mercy seat.  The mercy seat was to be put on top of the ark.  

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