Wednesday, July 4, 2018

My love for Photography

Treasure Island, Florida

I have loved photography for most of my life.  I really cannot remember a time when I did not take picture, but I do remember my first real camera.  My dad bought it for me to use in yearbook my junior year.  He bought me a Cannon and it was not cheap.  I was so very careful with the camera and took many of our picture for the yearbook.  I used that camera for many years, we got our money out of it.  I replaced it with a digital camera about 10 years age.  

When I started college I wanted to get a degree in photography but the college I went to did not offer it.  So I put my camera and photography down for years to pursue other things.  I have a tendency to put my dream aside for other things and people. I am sure you will see lots of pictures taken by me in this blog.  In fact I only use pictures that I have taken on this blog.

If you have any pictures you would like to see please comment below.  

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