Wednesday, March 4, 2020


It has been only 7 month to the day since my mother passed from this world and was promoted to her new beautiful heavenly home. But for me sometimes it feels so much longer.  I tend to give myself a hard time for not being further along in the grieving process.  In those 7 month I have had:

New Years
Mom’s Birthday
Parents Anniversary 
Valentines Day
Dad’s Birthday 
Marietta’s Birthday
And now my Birthday 

And we are 7 months from her passing.  Some how I feel I should have it all together and have moved on, but that is so not the case.  I write this for the many other people out there that walk in my same shoes.  There are so many reasons this should be easier for me.  Such as her health was not good at the end or that she was 81 when she died or perhaps the fact she could not get out of bed.  These things really don't make this time in my life that much easier.  I find myself telling these things to myself often and hear it coming out of my mouth on a regular bases.  But today it is especially hard maybe because the reality that the woman that gave me birth will not be here for my birthday.  I am so very thankful I will see her again when I too pass from this world.  God comforts me in my time of trouble.